Monday, February 15, 2016

The boss of US Intelligence: Ability to Create 100 nuclear bomb, North Korea World Spectre

WASHINGTON - The boss or the Director of National Intelligence, United States (US), James Clapper, to enter North Korea (North Korea) as one of three bogey for the world at this time. Clapper claimed North Korea is capable of producing up to 100 nuclear bombs.

However, according to Clapper, the number one threat to the world's most frightening is the group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Number two, cyber spinoase can do Russia and China and North Korea's third nuclear.

It was presented James Clapper on Capitol Hill yesterday. Clapper, the exposure report entitled "Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community", said that in 2016 became one of the most dangerous year in human history.

"Yes, of course it is the most diverse in the array of challenges and threats that I remember," Clapper said, as quoted by Russia Today, Thursday (02/11/2016).

Along with exposure to the US intelligence czar, there were reports that North Korea started to rebuild its Yongbyon plutonium reactor at the Chinese border. In fact, the nuclear reactor facility was shut down in 2007.

Experts nuclear weapons based in the US believe that Pyongyang has the ability to change its 10 nuclear bombs be 20 to 100 in the year 2020.

US officials themselves admit that the regime of Kim Jong-un has made rapid progress related to its nuclear weapons program.

Clapper told the House Intelligence Committee and the Armed Services of the US Senate that North Korea's nuclear reactor has been operating longer true to recover plutonium in a matter of weeks to months.

US intelligence chief's testimony is similar to a report run KCNA news agency reported that the Government of North Korea's Yongbyon nuclear facility fully operational.

North himself had been "kicked off the world" with a claim successfully tested a hydrogen bomb types of nuclear weapons even in miniature form, on January 6, 2016. However, many experts and Clapper were still skeptical about North Korea's claim that. "The lower the test results are not consistent with the successful test of a thermonuclear device, "said Clapper.

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